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P1 Carpaccio z półgęska Półgęsek carpaccio with figs jam 69.00 P2 Gęsie żołądki Goose gizzards with boletus mushrooms 54.00 P3 Krupnik na gęsinie Barley soup on goose stock with goose gizzards 39.00 P5 Pierogi z gęsiną Pierogi dumplings stuffed with goose served with cheeries sauce 74.00 P6 Noga z gęsi z Podlasia Goose leg confit with rose sauce, red cabbage and potato dumplings 125.00


1 Tatar z pomidorów Tomato tartare with capers and shallots 53.00 2 Śledź Herring with marinated red onion, sour cream and baked potato 51.00 3 Carpaccio wołowe Beef carpaccio on truffle mousse with capers 77.00 4 Tatar z wołowiny Beef tartare with onion, cucumber and mushrooms 64.00 5 Sałata z pieczonym kozim serem, awokado i owocami Salad with baked goat cheese, avocado and fruits 63.00 7 Kawior Antonius Siberian 5* (30g) Antonius caviar 5*(30g) with buckwheat blinis and sour cream 385.00 8 Kawior Antonius Siberian 5* (50g) Antonius caviar 5*(50g) with buckwheat blinis and sour cream 585.00


9 Żurek z jajkiem news Sour rye soup with egg and white sausage 39.00 10 Zupa krem z białych warzyw Cream soup of white vegetables with truffle oil 37.00 11 Krupnik na gęsinie news Barley soup with goose stomachs 39.00 12 Domowy rosół Homemade capon broth with quail noodles 32.00

Main course

14 Risotto truflowe Risotto with truffle and polish cheese Bursztyn 75.00 15 Łosoś Nori Salmon nori with homemade teriyaki sauce and wasabi mayonnaise 92.00 16 Sum ze szpinakiem Catfish with potato puree, spinach and mushrooms sauce 94.00 17 Gołąbki z kaszą i grzybami leśnymi Stuffed cabbage rolls with barley and forest mushrooms served with mushrooms sauce 52.00 18 De Volaille z kurczaka kukurydzianego De Volaille with mashed potatoes and sauted carrots with peas 72.00 22 Królik w sosie warzywnym Rabbit on vegetables sauce with potato polish gnocchi and sauted spring cabbage 83.00 24 Pierogi z wędzonym twarogiem i ziemniakami Pierogi dumplings stuffed with smoked cottage cheese and potatoes with sauted onion 57.00


30 Sernik Akademia Akademia signature cheesecake 37.00 31 Tarta z owocami sezonowymi Tart with seasonal fruits 35.00 33 Selekcja serów francuskich French cheese selection with home mad jam and fruits 64.00 32 Szarlotka Apple pie 39.00