22 651 90 03

Trzykrotny Mistrz Burgerowy


Possibility of VEGE option
*Hemp burger - replaces meat in every version from the menu

1 Hamburger Hamburger - beef 180 g, tomato, fresh onion, cucumber, ketchup, mustard 49.00 2 Burger Klasyk Burger Classic - beef 180g, lettuce, rucola, tomato chutney with smoked plum, aioli mayo, Gouda cheese, bacon 51.00 3 Burger Madera Madeira Burger - beef 180g, lettuce, rucola, balsamic onion chutney, Madera mayo with baked pepper, Gorgonzola cheese, bacon 52.00 4 Burger Fiorentina Burger Fiorentina - beef 180g, lettuce, rocket, pear jam, aioli mayonnaise, grilled vegetables, bryndza cheese, bacon 51.00 5 Burger Mistrz Burger Master - beef 180g, lettuce, rucola, pepper chutney with rosemary and cinnamon, aioli mayo, ponzu marinated cucumber with chilli, Gorgonzola cheese, bacon 54.00 6 Burger Champion Burger Champion - beef 180g, lettuce, rucola, jalapeno chutney, ponzu marinated grilled vegetables, curry mayo, Cheddar cheese,bacon 54.00 7 Burger The Best Burger The Best - beef 180g, lettuce, rucola, balsamic beetroot chutney, truffle aioli, burnt goat cottage cheese, grilled oyster mushroom, bacon 59.00 8 Burger Fish Burger Fish - grilled atlantic salmon 200g, lettuce, rucola, marinated ginger, wasabi, sea grass, ponzu marinated cucumber with chilli, kabayaki souce 51.00 9 Burger Smash Wołowina 180g, majonez pomidorowy aioli, ser cheddar, pomidor, cebula, ogórek marynowany, sałata 53.00 10 Buger Double Buger Double - beef 220g, aioli, double bacon, double gouda cheese, double meat, pickled cucumber, onion, lettuce, arugula, tomato chutney 61.00 11 Burger Portofino Burger Portofino - grilled chicken breast, Parma ham, crispy lettuce, basil mayonnaise, fresh tomato, buffalo mozzarella, arugula and balsamic sauce. 51.00 12 Burger Chilli Burger Chilli - beef 200g, lettuce, arugula, chipotle mayo, mimolette cheese, ajvar with chilli, grilled chorizo 59.00 13 Burger BBQ Burger BBQ - beef 180 g, bacon, onion rings 3 pcs, bbq sauce, cucumber pickled in chili, lettuce, mayonnaise 53.00

Main courses

18 Nuggetsy z kurczaka Chicken nuggets, belgian fries and coleslaw 32.00


20 Frytki belgijskie Frytki belgijskie 17.00 21 Frytki z batata Sweet potato fries 19.00 22 Sałatka Colesław Coleslaw 7.00 23 Dodatkowy składnik Additional ingredient 4.00


30 Coca-cola Coca-cola 10.00 31 Sok Cappy Cappy Juice 10.00 32 Woda Water 10.00 33 Frtiz-Kola Frtiz-Kola 15.00