Restaurant Chinese

China Town

Al. Lotników 28

Savoring the taste, you can feel the real atmosphere of various Chinese cuisine. The advantage of the restaurant is a wide range of traditional Chinese dishes - century egg, chicken gong bao, tofu Ma Po and many others.

Set menu

add delete W11 Zestaw dla 1 osoby Spring rolls, Spicy cabbage, Meat ball soup with sojabean thread(vermicelli), Chicken fried with vegetables, Rice 0 69.00 add delete W12 Zestaw dla 1 osoby Deep fried chicken, Cucumbers with garlic, Thick soup with egg and maize, Pork prepared in Sechuan style, Rice 0 69.00 add delete W13 Zestaw dla 1 osoby Prawn-crackers, White turnip salad, Hot sour soup, Crispy duck, Rice 0 73.00 add delete W21 Zestaw dla 2 osób Set for 2 persons - spring rolls, crispy duck, pork with vegetables, sweet & sour chicken, rice 0 138.00 add delete W22 Zestaw dla 2 osób Set for 2 persons - hot sour soup, beef with onions, spicy fish, pork with garlic, rice. 0 138.00 add delete W41 Zestaw dla 4 osób Set for 4 persons - spring rolls, crispy duck, beef with vegetables, broccoli with garlic, spicy fish, sweet & sour pork, chicken with mushrooms, rice. 0 259.00 add delete W42 Zestaw dla 4 osób Set for 4 persons - Wan Tan soup, spicy chicken, beef in oyster sauce, mixed vegetables, prawns with vegetables, crispy pork with garlic, soyabean thread with vegetables, rice. 0 269.00 add delete W61 Zestaw dla 6 osób Set for 6 persons - spring rolls, spicy cabbage, dried bean stick, crispy duck, sweet & sour pork, beef with bamboo slices and chinese mushrooms, spicy fish, broccoli with garlic, chicken curry, eggplant with fish flavour, peppery spare-ribs, rice. 0 379.00 add delete W62 Zestaw dla 6 osób Set for 6 persons - white turnip salad, cucumbers with garlic, hot sour soup, sweet sour whole trout fried like squirrel, crispy pork with garlic, spiced chicken, mixed vegetables, eggplant with potatoes and green chillis, spicy prawns, curry noodles, rice. 0 399.00


add delete A1 Sajgonki (2 szt) Spring rolls (2pcs) 0 12.00 add delete A1a Wegetariańskie sajgonki 4 szt. Vegetarian spring rolls 4 pcs. 0 12.00 add delete A2 Chipsy krewetkowe Prown crackers 0 10.00 add delete A3 Wan ton smażone w oleju Deep fried won ton 4 pcs. 0 15.00 add delete A4 Kurczak smażony w oleju Deep fried chicken 0 22.00 add delete A6 Wątróbka kurza smażona w oleju Deep fried chicken liver 0 19.00 add delete A8 Man-Tou Stramed stuffed bun 2 pcs. 0 22.00 add delete A10 Samosa - chrupiące wegetariańskie 6 szt. Samosa - crispy vegetarian triangles with curry flavor 6 pcs. 0 16.00

Salads and cold dishes

add delete *B1 Sałatka pikantna z kapusty Spicy cabbage salad 0 15.00 add delete B2 Sałatka z kiełków sojowych Bean sproust salad 0 19.00 add delete B4 Sałatka z białej rzepy White turnip salad 0 19.00 add delete B6 CA-CE rzodkiew chińska (solone) Preserved chinese radish shredded 0 19.00 add delete *B7 Kimczi (po koreańsku) Korean pickles 0 22.00 add delete B8 Ogórek z czosnkiem Cucumbers with garlic 0 19.00 add delete B9 Sałatka ze szpinaku o smaku musztardowym Spinach salad with mustard flavor 0 32.00 add delete B10 Soja suszona w laskach Dried soybeans in sticks 0 25.00 add delete B11 Wodorosty morskie z czosnkiem Seaweed with garlic 0 29.00 add delete B13 Tofu smażone po Japońsku Tofu fried in Japanese style 0 25.00 add delete B15 Jaja Chińskie stuletnie (1 szt) Long-preserved ducks eggs 0 10.00 add delete B16 Tofu z jajem stuletnim Tofu with long-preserved ducks eggs 0 38.00 add delete B17 Orzechy ziemne smażone Fried peanuts 0 19.00 add delete *B19 Żołądek wieprzowy Pigs tripe 0 32.00 add delete B20 Uszy wieprzowe Pigs ears 0 32.00 add delete B21 Ozory wieprzowe Pigs tongue 0 32.00 add delete *B22 Żołądki wołowe Ox tripe 0 32.00 add delete *B24 Łapki z kurczaka Chickens paws 0 36.00 add delete B28 Meduza Jelly-fish 0 42.00 add delete B33 Pręga wołowa duszona po Kantońsku Spicy beef 0 35.00 add delete B34 Bób z solonymi warzywami Bean with pickled cabbage 0 32.00 add delete B37 Ogórek pikantno kwaśny Spicy sour cucumbers 0 29.00 add delete B38 Pasma sojowe na zimno Cold soya vermicelli 0 32.00 add delete B43 Boczek z czosnkiem na ostro Spice bacon with garlic 0 39.00


add delete *C1 Zupa pikantna kwaśna Hot sour soup 0 13.00 add delete C2 Zupa z bambusem i grzybami Chińskimi Soup with bamboo shoots & Chinese mushrooms 0 13.00 add delete C3 Zupa Wan ton pierogi w rosole Soup Wan ton 0 13.00 add delete C4 Zupa z mięsem i rzodkwią Chińską Soup with shredded meat & Chinese preserved radish 0 13.00 add delete C5 Kulki mięsne w zupie z makaronem sojowym Meat balls soup with vermicelli 0 13.00 add delete C6 Zupa z krabów Crab zoup 0 22.00 add delete C7 Krem kukurydziany z jajkiem Corn cream with egg 0 13.00 add delete C8 Zupa pomidorowa z wołowiną Tomato soup with beef 0 13.00 add delete C10 Zupa z tofu i solonymi warzywami (2 osoby) Soup with tofu and pickled cabbage (2 person) 0 32.00 add delete C11 Zupa z kwiatem morskim i krewetkami (2 osoby) Soup with flower and shrimps (2 person) 0 39.00 add delete C12 Zupa z kulkami rybnymi (2 osoby) Soup with fishballs (2 person) 0 39.00 add delete C14 Zupa z melonem zimowym i kulkami mięsnymi (4 osoby) Winter melon soup with meatballs (4 persons) 0 64.00 add delete C17 Krem szpinakowy z mielonym mięsem i tofu (4 osoby) Spinach soup with meat and tofu 0 64.00 add delete C18 Zupa szpinakowa z pierogami omletowymi Spinach soup with egg-dumplings, meatball and soya bean thread (4 person) 0 64.00 add delete C19 Zupa z bobu i solonymi warzywami (2 osoby) Soup with beans and pickled cabbage (2 person) 0 32.00 add delete C20 Zupa z żeberkami i białą rzepą (4 osoby) Spare-ribs soup with white turnip (4 person) 0 64.00 add delete C21 Zupa omletowa na parze (2 osoby) Steamed egg-soup (2 person) 0 32.00

Rice, pasta and additives

add delete D1 Ryż Tajlandzki gotowany (1 osoba) Steamed rice from Tailand (1 person) 0 7.00 add delete D2 Ryż smażony z warzywami Fried rice with vegetable 0 16.00 add delete D3 Ryż smażony z jajkiem Fried rice with eggs 0 16.00 add delete D4 Frytki French fries 0 14.00 add delete D5 Ryż smażony z kurczakiem Fried rice with chicken 0 36.00 add delete D6 Ryż smażony z krewetkami i szynką Rice fried with shrimps and ham 0 49.00 add delete D7 Makaron pszenny smażony z warzywami Wheat noodles fried with vegetables 0 18.00 add delete D7a Makaron sojowy duszony z warzywami Stewed soy noodles with vegetables 0 22.00 add delete D8 Makaron curry z kurczakiem Chicken curry noodles 0 42.00 add delete D9 Makaron z paskami mięsa i warzywami Fried noodles with shredded meat and vegetables 0 42.00 add delete D10 Makaron gotowany z mielonym mięsem na ostro Hot-boild noodles with minced meat 0 42.00 add delete D12 Makaron ryżowy smażony z szynką i krewetkami Fried rice-flour noodles with ham and shrimps 0 52.00 add delete D13 Chleb ryżowy smażony z wieprzowiną i kapusta Pekińską Fried rice-bread with meat and Beijing cabbage 0 49.00 add delete D15 Pierogi duszone (15 szt) Fried dumplings (15 pcs) 0 49.00 add delete D16 Pierogi gotowane (15 szt) Boiled dumplings (15 pcs) 0 49.00

Pork dishes

Additives such as rice are not included in the price.

add delete E1 Wieprzowina smażona z warzywami Pork fried with vegetables 0 42.00 add delete E2 Wieprzowina słodko-kwaśna Sweet & sour pork 0 42.00 add delete E4 Wieprzowina z czosnkiem w podwójnej panierce Crispy pork fried with garlic 0 42.00 add delete E4a Polędwiczki wieprzowe w panierce w sosie z octu ryżowego Battered pieces of pork tenderloin in rice vinegar sauce 0 49.00 add delete E5 Wieprzowina w paskach o smaku rybnym Shredded pork prepared with fish flavour 0 49.00 add delete E6 Wieprzowina gotowana (na ostro) Hot-boiled pork 0 55.00 add delete E7 Żołądek wieprzowy smażony w paskach (na ostro) Stewed pork tripes 0 49.00 add delete E8 Nerki wieprzowe duszone Stir-fried pork kidney 0 49.00 add delete E9 Wątroba wieprzowa duszona w sosie ostrygowym Stir-fried pork liver in oyster sauce 0 49.00 add delete E13 Chrupiący makaron sojowy z mięsem Crispy soyabean-thread fried with smashed meat 0 49.00 add delete E14 Żeberka (na ostro lub słodko kwaśno) Spare-ribs (peppery or sweet-sour) 0 49.00 add delete E15 Boczek na ostro Stir-fried boiled pork slices in hot sauce 0 49.00 add delete E16 Wieprzowina w paskach po Pekińsku Pork shreds with leek in Beiing style 0 49.00 add delete E19 Boczek z olej-tofu po Szanghajsku Pork braised in brown sauce with oil-tofu in Shanghai style 0 52.00 add delete E20 Wieprzowina w paskach z peperoni Shredded pork with green chillis 0 52.00 add delete E23 Pasma sojowe z grzybami Poku i mielonym mięsem Soy strands with Poku mushrooms and minced meat 0 52.00

Beef dishes

Additives, such as rice, are not included in the price.

add delete F1 Wołowina smażona z bambusem Beef fried with bamboo silces & Chinese mushrooms 0 49.00 add delete F2 Wołowina smażona z brokułami Beef fried with broccoli in oyster sauce 0 49.00 add delete F3 Wołowina gotowana na ostro Beef cooked spicy 0 59.00 add delete F4 Wołowina smażona z zieloną papryką Beef fried with green pepper and black bean 0 52.00 add delete F5 Wołowina w sosie ostrygowym Beef in oyster sauce 0 49.00 add delete F6 Wołowina z cebulą Beef fried with onions 0 49.00 add delete F8 Wołowina duszona w kostkach z ziemniakami Beeef braised with potatoes 0 52.00 add delete F11 Baranina po mongolsku Mutton fried in Mongolian style 0 72.00

Chicken & duck dishes

Additives, such as rice, are not included in the price.

add delete G1 Kurczak smażony z pieczarkami Chicken fried with mushrooms 0 40.00 add delete G2 Kurczak curry Chicken curry 0 40.00 add delete G3 Kurczak słodko-kwaśny Sweet & sour chicken 0 40.00 add delete *G4 Kurczak Gong Bao w stylu Sechuan (na ostro) Chicken in Sechuan style 0 42.00 add delete G5 Kurczak smażony z orzechami nerkowca Chicken fried with cashew nuts 0 45.00 add delete G6 Kurczak w pięciu smakach Mix-flavoured chicken 0 40.00 add delete G7 Kurczak China Town (z czosnkiem) Chicken China Town (with garlic) 0 45.00 add delete G8 Kurczak smażony z suszoną papryką i sezamem (na ostro) Chicken with chilli and sesame (hot) 0 45.00 add delete G10 Kaczka na chrupiąco Crispy duck OPTION: with sprouts OR pineapple 0 55.00 add delete G13 Skrzydełka kurczaka Chongqing na ostro Chicken wing fried with dried chilli 0 49.00 add delete G14 Kaczka po pekińsku (z naleśnikami, porem i specjanym sosem) Beijing roast duck 0 188.00

Fish & seafood dishes

Additives, such as rice, are not included in the price.

add delete H1 Filet rybny w stylu Sechuan (na ostro) Fish prepared in Sechuan style 0 41.00 add delete H2 Filet rybny w sosie słodko-kwaśnym Sweet & sour fish 0 41.00 add delete H4 Kalmary smażone w stylu Sechuan (na ostro) Braised squids in Sechuan style 0 62.00 add delete H5 Kalmary w sosie ostrygowym Fried squids in oyster sauce 0 62.00 add delete H7 Krewetki w stylu Sechuan (na ostro)(8szt) King praws prepared in Sechuan style 0 72.00 add delete H8 Krewetki chrupiące (8 szt.) Crispy prawns (8 pcs) 0 72.00 add delete H9 Krewetki smażone na woku (8 szt.) Wok prawns in garlic sauce(8 pcs.) 0 72.00 add delete H10 Krewetki z orzechami nerkowca Prawns fried with cashew nuts 0 72.00 add delete H11 Kraby smażone z imbirem i porem Crab fried with ginger and leek 0 72.00 add delete H12 Żabie udka (chrupiące lub na ostro) Frog thigh (crispy or spicy) 0 72.00 add delete H15 Ryba z Chin Ribbonfish fish 0 79.00 add delete H16 Doradanew Sea bream 0 79.00 add delete H17 Halibut smażony na brązowo (na chrupiąco lub na parze)new Halibut fried (crispy or steamed) 0 69.00 add delete H20 Ośmiornica z porem i peperoninew Octopus with leek and green chillis 0 72.00 add delete H21 Ryba gotowana z musztardą marynowanąnew Cooked fish with marinated mustard 0 59.00 add delete H23 Ryba gotowana na ostronew Hot-boiled fish 0 59.00

Vegetable and Tofu dishes

add delete K1 Mieszanka warzywnanew Mixed vegetables 0 39.00 add delete K2 Bakłażan o smaku rybnymnew Eggplant prepared with fish flavour - dish with meat, but on request it can be without 0 42.00 add delete K4 Brokuły z czosnkiemnew Broccoli with garlic 0 39.00 add delete K5 Warzywa smażone w paniercenew Deep fried vegetables 0 39.00 add delete K8 Szpinak smażony z czosnkiem Spinach fried with garlic 0 39.00 add delete K9 Szpinak duszony z mielonym mięsem i jajkiemnew Spinach braised with minced meat and egg en casserole in Kanton style 0 49.00 add delete K10 Bakłażan smażony z ziemniakami i paprykąnew Eggplant fried with potatoes and green chillis 0 42.00 add delete K11 Groszek cukrowy z czosnkiemnew Green sugar-bean with garlic 0 49.00 add delete *K13 Tofu Ma Po w stylu Sechuan (na ostro)new Tofu MA PO in Sechuan style - dish with meat, but on request it can be without 0 42.00 add delete K14 Tofu po domowemunew Home-cooked tofu - dish with meat, but on request it can be without 0 42.00 add delete K16 Kapusta Pekińska smażona z suszonym tofunew Beijing cabbage fried with dried bean stick 0 42.00 add delete K17 Makaron sojowy duszony z warzywaminew Sojabean thread with vegetables 0 42.00 add delete K18 Kolokazjanew Taro 0 52.00 add delete K19 Warzywa Chińskie (z Azji)new Chinese vegetables (from Asia) 0 42.00


add delete S1 Banan smażony z miodem Fried Banana with honey 0 18.00 add delete S3 Jabłko smażone z miodem Fried apple with honey 0 18.00 add delete S5 Ananas smażony z miodem Fried pineapple with honey 0 18.00 add delete S11 Kulki ryżowe Ningbo na słodko (6szt) Sweet rice balls in Ningbosko style 0 28.00 add delete S12 Złote kulki z czerwoną mieloną (6szt) Golden balls with red bean and ground sesame seeds in sweet 0 28.00

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