Restaurant Fish & Steaks

Mokotowska 69

ul. Mokotowska 69

The Warsaw restaurant and bar "Mokotowska 69", opened in early May 2016, is the second, after the Merliniego 5 restaurant, project by Andrzej Rudnicki-Sipayla and Bartek Czerwiński.

Andrzej Rudnicki-Sipayłło has been fascinated with culinary and culinary culture for over 30 years, and above all the extraordinary pleasure given to food in a social context. Drawing on his experience of work, once the most popular New York restaurants, in 2010 he fulfilled his dream and moved a piece of Manhattan to the Warsaw Mokotów. This is the restaurant Merliniego 5, which permanently entered the culinary map of Warsaw.


add delete 1 Befsztyk tatarski z polędwicy wołowej Steak tartare - Beef chopped raw sirloin with red caviar 0 59.00 add delete 2 Befsztyk tatarski z polędwicy końskiej Steak tartare - Horse chopped raw sirloin with red caviar 0 79.00 add delete 3 Śledź szmalcówka Herring with spicy onion, apple and linseed oil 0 55.00 add delete 4 Tatar po włosku Italian tartare with truffles and pecorino 0 99.00 add delete 5 Krewetki Królewskie King prawns fried in butter with garlic 0 89.00 add delete 6 Węgorz Hot marinated eel with potato salad 0 79.00 add delete 8 Raki Masurian crayfish in rowan brandy cream sauce 0 79.00 add delete 9 Pierogi z kaczką Dumplings with duck 0 49.00 add delete 10 Burrata Burrata with pumpkin mousse and pickled pumpkin 0 55.00


add delete 13 Flaki po warszawsku Warsaw style tripe with meatballs 0 49.00 add delete 14 Zupa rybna Fish soup with zander & catfish 0 59.00 add delete 15 Zupa ogórkowa Cucumber soup 0 32.00


add delete 17 Cezar z piersią kurczaka kukurydzianego Caesar with corn chicken breast with Parmesan flakes and croutons 0 74.00 add delete 18 Cezar klasyczny Caesar salad with with Parmesan flakes and croutons 0 45.00 add delete 19 Cezar z krewetkami Caesar salad with king prawns 0 99.00 add delete 20 Rukola Rucola - with cherry tomatoes and parmesan chhese 0 28.00 add delete 21 Kozi ser na grzankach Goats cheese on croutons with lettuce, herbs, fig and vinaigrette 0 65.00


add delete 23 Sum mazurski Masurian Catfish with horseradish risotto and paradise apples 0 89.00 add delete 24 Smażona pierś kukurydzianego kurczaka Fried corn chicken breast with seasonal vegetables in butter sauce and mashed potatoes 0 75.00 add delete 26 Ośmiornica grillowana Grilled Octopus with young potatoes and cherry tomatoes 0 169.00 add delete 27 Pierś kaczki Duck breast with noodles, beetroot, pear with cranberries and spicy sauce 0 129.00 add delete 29 Sztuka mięsa Tafelspitz slowly cooked in broth with vegetables and potato puree 0 109.00 add delete 30 Jagnięcina po burgundzku Burgundy style lamb leg roasted with vegetables and gravy 0 149.00


Without appetizers and sauce.

add delete 35 Filet mignon 200g Filet mignon 200g from the Polish heifer 0 118.00 add delete 35a Filet mignon 230g Filet mignon 230g from the Polish heifer 0 136.00 add delete 35b Filet mignon 260g Filet mignon 260g from the Polish heifer 0 155.00 add delete 36 Filet mignon black angus stek 200g Black angus steak filet mignon 200g - USDA PRIME 0 258.00 add delete 36a Filet mignon black angus stek 240g Black angus steak filet mignon 240g - USDA PRIME 0 299.00 add delete 36b Filet mignon black angus stek 280g Black angus steak filet mignon 280g - USDA PRIME 0 359.00 add delete 38 New York Strip black angus stek 300g Black Angus New York Strip Steak 300g - USDA PRIME 0 237.00 add delete 38a New York Strip z black angusa 360g Black Angus New York Strip 360g 0 285.00 add delete 39a Rib Eye z black angusa 360g Black Angus Rib Eye Steak 360g - USDA PRIME 0 320.00 add delete 40 Antrykot z jałówki black angus 300g Black Angus heifer entrecote, Argentina, 300g 0 177.00 add delete 40a Antrykot z jałówki black angus 320g Black Angus heifer entrecote, Argentina, 320g 0 189.00 add delete 40c Antrykot z jałówki black angus 350g Black Angus heifer entrecote, Argentina, 350g 0 206.50 add delete 42 Rostbef z hida gyu wagyu kobe style 100 g Top class 9 + / a5 Japanese beef . Multiple winner of the Japanese zenkoku championship of the best Japanese beef. 199PLN for 100 grams. 0 199.00

Appetizers and sauces for steaks

add delete 43 Frytki stekowe French fries 0 14.00 add delete 44 Puree z cheddarem Puree with cheddar 0 32.00 add delete 45 Puree Puree 0 18.00 add delete 46 Grillowane warzywa Grilled vegetables 0 18.00 add delete 47 Szpinak Spinach 0 18.00 add delete 48 Rukola z pomidorkami cherry Rukola with cherry tomatoes 0 28.00 add delete 52 Sos pieprzowy Pepper Sauce 0 18.00 add delete 53 Sos rozmarynowy Rosemary sauce 0 18.00 add delete 54 Sos gorgonzola Gorgonzola sauce 0 22.00 add delete 54a Sos maślany z truflami Butter sauce with truffles 0 32.00


add delete 58 Gnocchi z kozim serem Gnocchi with goat cheese with butter sauce and truffles 0 119.00


add delete 64 Napoleonka Napoleon cake with vanilla cream and seasonal fruit 0 45.00

Restaurant Fish & Steaks - Mokotowska 69 - Warsaw - order food online