Restaurant Polish


ul. Różana 2

We serve international cuisine, decorating classic modernity. We praise the taste of the best quality products. Restaurant Academy is synonymous with well-seasoned dishes, created to teach taste to surprise and excite the senses.

A palette of flavors - Chanterelle mushrooms

add delete P1 Kurki na maśle Chanterelle mushrooms on butter with fresh dill 0 59.00 add delete P2 Kurki w śmietanie Chanterelle mushrooms on cream with fresh dill 0 59.00 add delete P3 Pierogi z kurkami i wędzonym twarogiem (4szt.) Pierogi dumplings with chanterelle mushrooms and smoked cheese 0 44.00 add delete P4 Burrata Burrata with raspberries tomatoes and pesto 0 67.00 add delete P5 Zupa kurkowa Chanterelle mushooms soup 0 39.00 add delete P6 Risotto z kurkami Risotto with chanterelle mushrooms and aged cheese 0 77.00 add delete P7 Strazopretti z kurkami i bobem Strazopretti with chanterelle mushrooms and broad beans on lemon and butter emulsion 0 57.00 add delete P8 Sandacz z tartą z kurek, szpinakiem Zander fish with quiche with chanterelle mushrooms, spinach and sour cucumber salsa 0 97.00 add delete P9 Polędwica wołowa z kurkami, fasolką szparagową Beef loin with chanterelle mushrooms, french beans and baked potato with garlic butter 0 173.00


add delete 1 Tatar z pomidorów Tomato tartare with capers and shallots 0 53.00 add delete 2 Śledź Herring with marinated red onion, sour cream and baked potato 0 51.00 add delete 3 Carpaccio wołowe Beef carpaccio on truffle mousse with capers 0 77.00 add delete 4 Tatar z wołowiny Beef tartare with onion, cucumber and mushrooms 0 64.00 add delete 5 Sałata Cezar z grillowanym kurczakiem Cesar salad with grilled chicken 0 63.00 add delete 6 Sałata Cezar z grillowanym halloumi Cesar salad with grilled halloumi cheese 0 63.00 add delete 7 Kawior Antonius Siberian 5* (30g) Antonius caviar 5*(30g) with buckwheat blinis and sour cream 0 385.00 add delete 8 Kawior Antonius Siberian 5* (50g) Antonius caviar 5*(50g) with buckwheat blinis and sour cream 0 585.00


add delete 9 Chłodnik litewski Lithuanian cold soup with hard-boiled egg 0 39.00 add delete 10 Zupa krem z białych warzywnew Cream soup of white vegetables with truffle oil 0 37.00 add delete 12 Domowy rosół Homemade capon broth with quail noodles 0 32.00

Main course

add delete 14 Noga kaczki z kopytkami Duck leg confit with potato dumplings, marinated nectarine and gooseberry sauce 0 91.00 add delete 15 Łosoś Nori Salmon nori with homemade teriyaki sauce and wasabi mayonnaise 0 92.00 add delete 16 Biodrówka jagnięca w ziołowej panierce Lamb hips in herb breading with young carrots, truffle puree and thyme sauce 0 130.00 add delete 18 De Volaille z kurczaka kukurydzianego De Volaille with mashed potatoes and “mizeria” 0 73.00 add delete 19 Tradycyjny kotlet mielony Traditional minced cutlet with mashed potatoes and beets
0 59.00
add delete 21 Tagliatelle w bisque homarowym Tagliatelle on lobster bisque with seafood 0 84.00 add delete 22 Królik w sosie warzywnym Rabbit on vegetables sauce with potato polish gnocchi and sauted spring cabbage 0 83.00 add delete 23 Pierogi z cielęciną Dumplings with veal and bacon garnish 0 64.00


add delete 30 Sernik Akademia Akademia signature cheesecake 0 37.00 add delete 31 Tarta z owocami sezonowymi Tart with seasonal fruits 0 35.00 add delete 32 Mille feuille z malinami Mille feuille with raspberries 0 39.00 add delete 33 Selekcja serów francuskich French cheese selection with home mad jam and fruits 0 64.00

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