Restaurant Polish

Czerwony Wieprz

ul. Żelazna 68

The Red Hog Inn is one of the most interesting places in Warsaw. Legendary restaurant is located on the corner of Żelazna and Chłodna Street. Unique atmosphere of communist restaurant was once enjoyed by many famous guests as the Polish Presidential couple, Bruce Willis, Lennox Lewis and Karim Benzema from Real Madrid. Restaurant brings out memories from old times and offer exquisite food in the same time.
Traditional polish food and recipes based on preferences of biggest communist leaders from XX century are the reason of the Red Hog popularity.

Classic Menu

Cold appetizers - For Dignitaries and Bourgeoisie

* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 1 Wyborny pasztet z dziczyzny Game pate - baked in bacon, seasoned with herbs and served with pickles and cranberry sauce 0 41.50 add delete 2 Tradycyjny tatar wołowy Traditional beef tartare - from seasoned beef, served with pickles, onions, capres, mustard and an egg yolk with a dash of olive oil and black pepper 0 61.50 add delete 3 Tatar z łososia Salmon tartare - salmon marinated in lemon juice and honey with fresh cucumber, green pepper and honey-mustard vinaigrette 0 59.90 add delete 4 Tatar z pomidora i awokado (wege) Tomato and avocado tartare (veg) - chopped tomatoes and avocado, with arugula, caper fruit, shallots, balsamico and Bursztyn cheese flakes (12 months maturing) 0 49.50 add delete 5 Burżuazyjna deska pieczonych mięs i wędlin (min. dla 2 osób) A board of the PRL delicacies - angus roast beef, pork neck, middle loin, Mangalica bacon roulade, venison pate, smoked pate, tartar sauce, grated horseradish, Sarepska mustard, homemade marinades 0 91.90

Cold appetizers - For the Proletariat

* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 8 PRL – owski Smalec Luksusowy Luxurious dripping of the Polish Peoples Republic with apple, onion, cracklings and sausage, served with homemade bread and pickled cucumber 0 25.90 add delete 9 Zimne nóżki w galarecie Pork jelly in aspic served with marinated chanterelles, wild mushrooms and chanterelle vinegar 0 45.50 add delete 10 Dorodny eksportowy śledź bałtycki w oleju The best Baltic herring in oil with chopped onion and boiled potatoes 0 47.90 add delete 11 Dorodny eksportowy śledź bałtycki w śmietanie The best Baltic herring in cream with grated apple, leek and boiled potatoes 0 47.90


* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 12 Sałata ogrodowa (wege) Garden salad (veg) - mixed lettuces and seasonal vegetables, vinaigrette sauce 0 37.90 add delete 13 Sałata Cezar (wege) Caesar salad (veg) - crispy romaine lettuce with anchovy sauce, served with crispy toast, sprinkled with flakes of Bursztyn cheese (ripening 12 months) 0 39.90 add delete 13a Sałata Cezar z kurczakiem zagrodowym Caesar salad with chicken - crispy romaine lettuce with anchovy sauce, served with crispy toast, sprinkled with flakes of Bursztyn cheese (ripening 12 months) 0 54.80 add delete 13b Sałata Cezar z krewetkami Caesar salad with shrimps - crispy romaine lettuce with anchovy sauce, served with crispy toast, sprinkled with flakes of Bursztyn cheese (ripening 12 months) 0 64.80 add delete 14 Sałata Grecka (wege) Greek salad (veg) - mixed lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, Feta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, red onion, olive oil 0 47.90 add delete 15 Sałata Luksusowa z kozim serem Luxurious salad with creamy goat cheese baked on crispy fillets, served on green lettuce leaves, with sun-dried tomatoes and delicately spicy dressing, with garlic and piri-piri peppers 0 51.50

Hot appetizers - For Dignitaries and Bourgeoisie

* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 16 Boeuf Stroganoff z polędwicy wołowej Beef Stroganoff made of Black Angus beef, stewed in tomatoes, onions and mushrooms, served with crispy bread 0 68.90 add delete 17 Krewetki Naczelnego Oberżysty Shrimps served in a hot pan, in a wine-butter sauce, with garlic, paprika, and spicy pear, served with crispy herbal toast 0 66.90 add delete 18 Czeska deska Gustawa Husaka (min. dla 2 osób) Czech board by Gustav Husak - a set of appetizers: grilled pork ribs, a duo of Polish sausages, chicken tenderloin, baked kabanos, crispy bacon, breaded Konecki cheese, onion rings served with homemade sauces: BBQ plum and spicy with Harrisa 0 99.50

Hot appetizers - For the Proletariat

* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 19 Pierogi ze szpinakiem i serem feta Dumplings with spinach and feta cheese, served with cream and dill sauce 0 45.90 add delete 20 Pierogi ukraińskie (dawniej ruskie) (wege) Homemade dumplings with cottage cheese and potatoes with lard (vege) 0 45.90 add delete 21 Pierogi z kapustą i grzybami (wege) Dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms (vege) 0 45.90 add delete 22 Pierogi z cielęciną Homemade dumplings stuffed with braised veal, served with cracklings of smoked bacon and stewed onion 0 50.90 add delete 23 Kubek czerwonego barszczu A mug of red beetroot borscht 0 20.50 add delete 24 Duet polskich kiełbas z mazurskiej wędzarni A duo of Polish sausages from a Masurian smokehouse: traditional white sausage with marjoram, pork ham sausage QAFP, grated horseradish, Sarepska mustard, crispy bread of our baking 0 46.50 add delete 25 Chrupiąca kaszanka Crunchy black sausage - home-made black sausage, stewed onion with marjoram and French mustard, demi-glace sauce with green pepper, emulsion of Sarepska mustard 0 46.50

Soups - For Dignitaries and Bourgeoisie

* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 29 Sztandarowy Żur Standard Bearers Żur - traditional sour cream soup prepared with marjoram and horeradish, served with egg and white sausage 0 39.90 add delete 30 Tradycyjne Flaki wołowe Beef tripe soup prepared in old Warsaw style, served with a crispy herb toast, baked under cheese 0 37.90

Soups - For the Proletariat

* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 32 Pierwszomajowy barszcz czerwony - kubek Red beetroot borscht - perfect for dumplings! (veg) 0 20.50 add delete 33 Rosół gospodyni domowej z wiejskim kurczakiem Housewife broth with country chicken and vegetables served with homemade noodles 0 30.50 add delete 34 Barszcz Przodownika Pracy Work leaders Borsch - creamy beetroot soup served with potatoes with cracklings 0 35.90 add delete 35 Zupa pomidorowa Tomato soup - homemade tomato soup on chicken broth with freshly mashed tomatoes and creamy cream, with hand-made noodles 0 28.50 add delete 36 Wegetariańskie flaczki z boczniaków Vegetarian tripe from oyster mushrooms - chopped oyster mushrooms, boiled in broth with root vegetables and marjoram, a vegetarian interpretation of traditional beef tripe 0 31.90

Main Courses - For Dignitaries and Bourgeoisie

Dishes are served only with the additives that are in the description.
* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 39 Kurcze pieczone! - palce lizać! Half a farm chicken, baked in the 1970s at the main Warsaw Różycki Bazaar. served with white cabbage salad and original sauces: BBQ plum and Harrisa sauce 0 71.50 add delete 40 Kaczka po polsku a la Czerwony Wieprz - specjalność Szefa Kuchni Polish style duck a la Red Hog - half a Berber duck, aged in sea salt with garlic and marjoram, served with Polish cherry sauce, baked apple and stewed beetroots 0 91.50 add delete 41 Golonka Ericha Erichs pork knuckle - oven roasted in Bavarian caramel-beer sauce, served with fried cabbage, prepared according to the German Democratic Republics recipe 0 71.50 add delete 42 Zrazy wołowe a la Marszałek Tito Beef roulades a la Marshal Tito - Black Angus export beef marinated in juniper and bison grass, stuffed with mushrooms, bacon and mustard, served in a forest mushroom sauce 0 71.50 add delete 43 Polędwica Limousine a la Książe Karpat Prince of Carpathia Limousine Beef Tenderloin - juicy beef with a cognac-pepper sauce and an aromatic noteof Romanian Brandy. Available only in medium or well done 0 121.50 add delete 44 Kapitalistyczny Łosoś Norweski Salmon fillet marinated in lemon and garlic, served with blanched spinach and white wine sauce 0 79.90

Main Courses - For the Proletariat

Dishes are served only with the additives that are in the description.
* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 45 Sztuka mięsa w sosie chrzanowym Meat in horseradish sauce - beef slowly cooked in broth, served in a cream horseradish sauce, with steamed vegetables 0 61.50 add delete 46 Tradycyjne kotlety mielone Traditional minced cutlets from certified QAFP pork, fried in Mangalica lard, served with fried beetroots 0 48.90 add delete 47 Proletariacki Kotlet Schabowy The proletariats cutlet - large, juicy and crispy, served with homemade cucumber salad 0 56.50 add delete 48 Żebra CZERWONEGO WIEPRZA The Red Hog Ribs - a decent portion (750g) of barrel-marinated and oven-baked ribs, served on a wooden board, with a set of sauces and homemade pickles 0 91.50 add delete 49 De Volaille dyrektora PGRu De Volaille PGR director - farm chicken breast stuffed with mushrooms, Mimolette cheese, parsley and garlic 0 60.90 add delete 50 Burger z eksportowanej wołowiny Burger from grilled Black Angus beef in a bun, with cheddar cheese, crispy bacon and fresh vegetables 0 55.90


* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 52 Bukiet warzyw na parze Steamed vegetables 0 21.50 add delete 53 Warzywa z grilla Grilled vegetables - peppers, zucchini, eggplant, thyme, garlic 0 21.90 add delete 54a Mieszane warzywa ogrodowe Garden lettuce 0 19.90 add delete 55 Ogórki kiszone z Hajnówki Pickled cucumbers from Hajnówka 0 16.90 add delete 56 Kasza gryczana Buckwheat groats with cracklings 0 16.90 add delete 57 Ziemniaki z wody Boiled potatoes 0 16.50 add delete 58 Ziemniaki w ćwiartkach opiekane Baked potatoes 0 16.90 add delete 59 Ziemniaki tłuczone Mashed potatoes with cracklings 0 19.90 add delete 60 Ziemniaki francuskie opiekane French potatoes roasted with garlic, thyme and rosemary 0 18.90 add delete 61 Kopytka własnego wyrobu Homemade potatoe dumplings 0 21.00 add delete 62 Frytki French fries 0 17.90 add delete 63 Mizeria Cucumber salad 0 16.90 add delete 64 Kapusta zasmażana Fried cabbage 0 16.90 add delete 65 Buraczki zasmażane Fried beetroots 0 16.90 add delete 65a Surówka coleslaw Coleslaw salad 0 17.90 add delete 66 Koszyk pieczywa A basket of bread 0 15.50

Desserts - For Dignitaries and Bourgeoisie

* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 67 Tort bezowy Gwiazda Fidela - specjalność naszej cukierni Fidels star - the pastry chefs specialty. An almond meringue baked in a ceramic oven, filled with velvety vanilla cream, flavored with a note of Cuban rum, made with cane syrup and roasted almonds, served on a red strawberry star - Filed Castros favorite dessert 0 36.90 add delete 68 Creme Brulee Creme Brulee - prepared by our Confectioner, according to the original old-French recipe, on country eggs and grated vanilla, baked under roasted caramel 0 34.50

Desserts - For the Proletariat

* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 69 Szarlotka Złota polska jesień Golden Polish Autumn apple pie - made with autumn varieties of apples, served hot 0 35.50 add delete 70 Aksamitny sernik z białą czekoladą Velvety cheesecake with white chocolate - steamed, according to our original recipe, from country cheese, cream and Belgian white chocolate 0 33.00 add delete 71 Torcik Black & White Black & White cake -a duo of white and dark Belgian chocolate mousses, served with forest blueberry jam 0 31.90

Menu for children

* The prices include packaging fee.

add delete 75 Rosołek z kurczakiem Chicken soup with homemade noodles 0 18.90 add delete 76 Pomidorowa Tomato soup with noodels like at Grandma 0 21.00 add delete 77 Kurczak w chrupiącej panierce (filet) Breaded chicken fillet with Coleslaw salad french fries 0 28.00 add delete 78 Mini schabowy z mięsa QAFP z mizerią - dla dzieci Crispy pork (QAFP meat) fillet with creamy cucumber salad french fries or boiled potatoes 0 31.00 add delete 79 Spaghetti z sosem bolońskim Spaghetti bolognese 0 27.00 add delete 80 Domowe naleśniki z serem - dla dzieci Homemade pancakes with white cheese strawberry sauce, whipped cream 0 27.00

Restaurant Polish - Czerwony Wieprz - Warsaw - order food online